دانشجوی عزیز به آزمون حال استمراری خوش آمدید جهت شروع آزمون دکمه سوال بعدی را فشار دهید و در انتها سوالات دکمه اتمام آزمون را فشار دهید قبل از شروع درج اطلاعات از جمله نام و نام خانوادگی، شماره تماس و ایمیل الزامی میباشد
Maria is my best friend
The nuns(to sew) clothes and (to knit)slippers for the children
They(to sue)the city
I'm reading a funny book
The policeman (to wear) his bulletproof vest
You are bringing your compass when we go in the woods
I am rocking the boat
The employees are adding their expenses for the business trip
He is hunting with a bow and arrow
Rosa is making a cake for the surprise birthday party
We're waiting here because I cannot find my keys
She(to pour) a soft drink for you
I am leaving here tomorrow
I'm meeting them at the school
She is living in New York
I'm eating fruits
The ship is sinking
I am talking to Tom
It is walking backward or forward
It is cold.we (to shiver) and we have goose bumps
I am teaching in the elementary school this year
He is shouting at me
The wolf(to howl) at moon
You are wearing your seat belt
The girl is laughing
My lip is bleeding
The dog is burying the bone in the sand
She is sweating a lot
Mike is stirring the paint with the paintbrush
That is my book
They are waiting downstairs for us
He is slicing the pineapple
The saleslady is offering you a good deal
She is crying because she lost her toy car
My great-grandfather(to live) in a retirement home
My father is at work
I am talking to Mike
I am eating your muffin
He is going to school
Mrs.smith is living in the suburbs
They are talking about the newborn baby
Sheila (to worry) now because her daughter is late
The mayor (to discuss)the enormous potholes on the roads
We are planting the seeds in the garden
The crowd is clapping and cheering
Bob and Tina are on the beach enjoying the sunrise
They (to cross) the lake in a canoe
نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخشهای موردنیاز علامتگذاری شدهاند *
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ایمیل *
وب سایت
ذخیره نام، ایمیل و وبسایت من در مرورگر برای زمانی که دوباره دیدگاهی مینویسم.